Who Is Jesus?

2 October, 2023 Who Is Jesus? Yeshua; the Son of God; the Christ; the Messiah. These are all names that refer to one person: Jesus of Nazareth. But who exactly is Jesus? Ask your average person this question, and you’re bound to get somewhat of a different answer from each person you ask. In fact, …

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This is How the Spotlight Effect is Holding You Back

August 12, 2022 This is How the Spotlight Effect is Holding You Back https://youtu.be/wM07tH9syII LISTEN HERE Podcast Spotify Google This is an exerpt from the full podcast episode “Living a Worthy Life, In-Church Controversy, and the Spotlight Effect”. I want to talk about a psychological concept that I learned about in psychology in my degree. …

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An Honest Conversation About Scandals in the Church

August 10, 2022 An Honest Conversation About Scandals in the Church https://youtu.be/HFCg7rns7vQ LISTEN HERE Podcast Spotify Google This is an exerpt from the full podcast episode “Living a Worthy Life, In-Church Controversy, and the Spotlight Effect”. I want to share some thoughts about all this in-church controversy. If you’re a Christian and you keep up …

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