Posts About God

  • Who Is Jesus?
    2 October, 2023 Who Is Jesus? Yeshua; the Son of God; the Christ; the Messiah. These are all names that refer to one person: Jesus of Nazareth. But who exactly is Jesus? Ask your average person this question, and you’re bound to get somewhat of a different answer from each person you ask. In fact, … Read more
  • What Is Repentance According to the Bible?
    11 July, 2023 What Is Repentance  According to the Bible? To be quite honest, modern Christianity is very interesting to me. From my point of view, Christians seem to be all over the place. With the overabundance of denominations and theological camps that seem to divide more than unite, it almost feels like everybody has … Read more
  • My King and My God
    05 January, 2023 My King and My God  Currently, I’m going through the book of Psalms in my own personal Bible study time, which probably means you’re going to see a lot of stuff from the Psalms if you keep up with my writings. Regardless, Psalms is an amazing book because it not only gives … Read more
  • What to Do When God Doesn’t Hear You
    03 January, 2023 What to Do When God Doesn’t Hear You We’ve all been there. Something happens in your life, or you have a need that only God can fill, so you’re on your knees praying for God’s help or provision. You pray, hope that He answers, and continue with your day. The next day … Read more
  • Self-Control and the Holy Ghost
    02 January, 2023 Self-Control and the Holy Ghost  The absence of self-control has quickly become one of the biggest pandemics of our time. More people than ever are simply living based on impulse, chasing the next dopamine fix, or trying to find that next thing that will make them ‘feel good’. However, we also are … Read more